The Delhi Public School Udhampur aims to be an institution of excellence, dedicated to producing leaders of the future. To fulfill the vision, The Delhi Public School provides an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his full potential. The school gives equal opportunities to all students, teachers and facilitators from all parts of India, with out distinction of race, religion, caste or social status.
In addition, the school aims at the broader development of complete personality of its students by creating:
In addition, the school aims at the broader development of complete personality of its students by creating:
An understanding and appreciation of India's rich culture.
A sense of integrity, ethics and uncompromising honesty.
Leadership with a sense of team work and fair play.
A strong secular ethos.
An awareness of the environment.
A concern for the less fortunate.
A concern for human rights and democratic values.
A Questioning mind and a spirit of adventure.
Our students will share the responsibility of working towards a better world outside their boundaries. The school motto "Service before self" will constantly inspire our students to be sensitive and work towards the needs of their environment.
DPS Udhampur aims to preserve and enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare generations for the future. DPS Udhampur students are helpful to master the expanding horizons of technology and also become the repository of Indian ethos and culture in its pristine form.
We ensure academic environment which treats each child as a unique individual and develops the child to the maximum potential.
We ensure that learning is an important resource for the childs social behavior and personality. It equips the child to take on the world with confidence.
We ensure to provide happy, caring, safe & welcoming environment which facilitates students to indulge into a learning experience for life and smoothly succeed in any Endeavour that they take up in life.